Indépendance France Small & Mid

Indépendance France Small & Mid is our equity fund focused on French small- and mid-cap listed businesses. Since its creation in 1993, we manage it according to our signature strategy, Quality Value.

Annual performance since 1993 (net of fees)
Asset class Small & Mid Caps France
Eligibility PEA / Life Insurance
SFDR Article 8

Main locations for businesses in our portfolio

Non-exhaustive list by 31.12.2022

Head offices

Other locations

Assets under management


At 31/07/2024

performance (YTD)

Performance table

Performance history

Indépendance - France Small & Mid - Part X (C)
Past performance is not indicative of future performance

Annual performance since 1993

23/30 years

of overperformance

25/30 years

of positive performance

Performance graph

1 year
3 years
5 years
10 years
Since 31/12/1993
Base 100 at

Cumulative performance

Indépendance - France Small & Mid
CAC Mid & Small NR

Annualised performance

Indépendance - France Small & Mid
CAC Mid & Small NR

Performance net of fees
Data by 14/10/2024

Responsible investment

Article 8 fund under SFDR: promoting “environmental or social characteristics”

ESG criteria formally integrated in investment process since 2016

Member of the Principles for Responsible Investment network

France Relance certification “promoting sustainable development of French small businesses”

Listing of our funds

Our funds are listed and available for investment with several partners.

Institutional platforms

Full list

French and Luxembourg life insurance

Full list

Securities accounts, PEA, PEA-PME

Full list


Risk level








The SRRI is based on past volatility results. It may change over time and is not a reliable indicator of the fund’s future risk profile. The lowest category does not imply a risk-free investment.

Legal structure UCITS
Valuation Daily
Currency EUR
Recommended investment horizon > 3 years
Subscriptions 5 years
Redemptions Daily
Depositary bank Luxembourg CACEIS Bank
Fund administrator Luxembourg CACEIS Bank
Risk level 5 over 7
Benchmark CAC Mid & Small NR
Eligible PEA
Fees Shares Class X (C) and A (C) Share Class I (C)
Subscrption fees 0% 1% max
Minimum subscription 1 share 1 share
Redemption fees 0% 0%
Management fees 1,95% 1,40%
Outperformance fee 10% 10%
Share class X (C) – Institutional investors LU0104337620
Share class A (C) – Individual investors LU0131510165
Share class I (C) – Clean Share LU1964632324


Our other funds

Our investment expertise in small-cap stocks is dedicated to 3 funds

Indépendance et Expansion – Europe

French businesses

Since 2018

IE Family Value

Family businesses

2021 – 2028

You are considering investing, you have a question.
Our team is available